Terrifier (Art the Clown) is the film everyone talks about

In an age of horror films that tend to rely on jump scares and predictable plotlines, Damien Leo's 2016 film "Terrifier" offers an surprising breath of air. With its terrifying practical effects, the bone-chilling performance that is Art the Clown by David Howard Thornton, and an impressive outcome on minimal budget "Terrifier" will cement its posi

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Space horror films such as Jason X and others

Sequels to horror films are almost always well received, and audiences eagerly anticipate the arrival of the genre's next really terrifying experience. However, what happens when the antagonists of horror movies go to outer space? The following are five horror movie villains that traveled to outer space. Some of them were successful, while others d

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Review of Decker Shado's Leprechaun 2

Leprechaun 2, in my view, is a highly creative and trendy horror picture you'll adore which will leave you feeling fantastic. The only parts in it that startled me, like the previous two, were some of the blood and gore and when the leprechaun (Warwick Davis) suddenly emerged or sprang out from someplace. Other than that, I didn't become worried at

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Leprechaun (1993) is a scary movie

Leprechaun is so terrible it's good. The narrative, acting, and special effects are all ridiculous. All of it comes together to make a delightful movie. Warwick Davis is great as the leprechaun, while Jennifer Aniston shines in her cinematic debut. If you like campy scary flicks, watch Leprechaun. Don't expect to be afraid; this film will make you

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Why frightening films utilize zombies

George Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968) is the most influential zombie film, but is it also the best?Murder is a film about a Svengali-like Lugosi who zombifies a young lady who is engaged to be married using potions and powders. It's very dry, wooden material, but it inspired Rob Zombie to work on a musical endeavor.In the movie "Deadgirl,

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